Friday, June 27, 2014

minor changes in the mte schedule of civil engg subjects

cvl212 has been moved to 30th june shift 1100-1230
cvl202, 301 and 213 is on 2nd july 1100-1230pm
cvl206 is on 4th july 1100-1230pm
cvl213 has been removed from 5th july 0900-1030am
cvl212 has been removed from 5th july 0100-0230pm

quantity survey (oel011) is an open elective paper of 8th term. this paper shall be on 6th july 0300-0430pm

final schedule shall be uploaded on the blog as and when it is received from the exam cell. if not, see the notice board for final schedule.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

The tentative summer term mid term exam schedule has been prepared with all the subjects. You are adviced to check the same and let us know if there is any subject missing or if there is any clash. This needs to reported by tomorrow (27th June) 10:00am so that necessary corrections are incorporated. No further request of change shall be entertained.

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

Monday, June 23, 2014

GI Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @10:00am

GI Backlog test#1: 26th June, 2014 @10:00am

Prepare the following questions for the test. You shall be asked any two from the below,

1. Define "error". What are the three different types of error in survey measurements?
2. Define "uncertaininty" and explain its relationship with the concept of "errors" in GIS data collection.
3. With the aid of a simple diagram, explain the concept of propagation of error in GIS.
4. Explain the advantages of using the database approach of data processing.
5. Explain the relationship between data representation and data analysis in GIS.

Students registered for the course are,

1001070492010002194 BHARAT SINGH NAGAR
1001070712010000769 Gautam Chadha
1001070992010000939 KUMAR SHASHWAT
1001071212010001048 Mohd. Shariq

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Syllabus for MID Term For FH, OCF and FM

  1. FH - UNIT-I  and Unit-II (till bed load and saltation)
  2. OCF -UNIT-I and UNIT-II
  3. FM- Unit-I

OCF & FM Summer Term CA

Students those who have registered for OCF and FM  are required to attend the weekly quiz.
  1. QUIZ-1: OCF - 11.30 am (Topic- Unit 1) 24.06.14 (Tuesday)
  2. QUIZ-1: FM - 11.30 am (Topic- section -1 & 2)  24.06.14 (Tuesday)
    Room no-206 E-II

FM syllabus
OCF syyllabus

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Classrooms for the summer term

The classes of summer term B Tech courses will take place in SET-3, Room No. 403, from June 19 onwards.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer Term (Self Study): SA Class tests

Schedule of Class Tests (Self Study) for CA marks; Summer Term Subject: Structural Analysis (CVL204); 

Name of TestSyllabusDate of TestTimeVenue
Test-1 Columns & Struts; Numerical problems & derivations 18/06/2014 2:00-3:00pm Room 205; SET-2
Test-2 Propped beams & Fixed beams 25/06/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-3 Continuous beams; three moment equation /Clapeyron’s theorem. 02/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3
Test-4 Slope deflection method & Energy theorems 09/07/2014 2:00-2:30pm Room 205; SET-3

BMC summer term CA exam

Those students who have taken BMC subject for summer term are required to attend the exam on
Date- 20.06.2014 (Friday)
Time- 12.25 pm (room no-304 SET-II)
Topics covered- Cement, concrete, lime, mortar, ferrous and non-ferrous material

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Summer Term courses

No course is available for 3rd year students as "Backlog". All the courses are available as "Improvement" only.

The lab courses are available only where the student was either debarred/ ufm case or absent, for any other reason. 

Summer Term Forms

As per the data received to us, the details of summer term forms filled by you can be accessed from the below link. If there is any discrepancy, you are advised to inform my office, latest by 13th June, so that necessary changes can be made. Any application received after 13th June shall not be entertained.

Backlog (No student is allowed to take Backlog.All these forms shall be converted to improvement)

Summer Term: SA (Structural Analysis)

Please find the Syllabus at link below for the Summer Term subject "Structural Analysis".
Please attend the Class Test 1:
Syllabus: 1st Unit (Columns & Struts) from the above syllabus (@link). Only Numerical problems & Derivations.
Date & Time: 18-06-14;   2:00pm to 3:00pm.
Venue: Room:   205 SET-2.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer term Time table

The time table for backlog classes can be found here.
Classes of Engg. Mech., Surveying and Soil Mech. will take place in SET-3, 301.
While those of MODS, BMC and Steel will take place in SET-2, 304.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Term

See the below notice for summer term,

Registration for Summer Term
June 06-07,2014
Summer Term Classes begins
June 09, 2014
Summer Term Mid -Term Examination(MTE)
June30-July 06,2014
Summer Term End-Term Examination (ETE)
July 23- August 10, 2014
Showing Answer Sheets of Summer Term ETE (May)
August 11,2014
Commencement of Registration of Academic year 2014-15
August 19,2014
The student shall be allowed to take a maximum of six theory courses of current second year, from the courses being offered.
Only the end term exam of the lab courses shall be available ONLY for those students who were either debarred in the practical exam or were absent in the end term examination.
For current third year and fourth year, there shall be no "backlog" subjects available. 
However, all the courses of all the years shall be available for improvement.