Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Appointment of Placement assistance Coordinators

Dear All,
A lot of you wanted to assist in placement activities. Hence following 3 students has been appointed from section A , B and C respectively for coordinating the placement assistance activities. These students will provide me the name of the student for assisting in placement activities. Therefore be in touch with them so that you will get the chance to assist in placement activities.

III year placement activity coordinators

Section  Name Roll No   Phone Email
A Chakrapani Shekhawat 110107053  8130779882 shekhawat.chakrapani@gmail.com
B Nabin Devkota 110107115 9717707338 nabindevkota311@gmail.com
C Mandip Kharel 110107220 8285758156 mecivil4@gmail.com